Dream Home Staging

Wow, that sure looks amazing! Thanks so much for everything I will definitely recommend you to anyone needing staging :)
-Roxane G., Client, Vancouver
We can barely believe it, but we sold our house within one week after staging. Within 24 hours of staging it we had an offer! There is no doubt in my mind about the power of staging, and although I had to get my husband on board regarding the ‘investment’ cost up front, he is so happy now that we did it!
We were completely blown away by your work, and how fabulously it all came together! You made our space look even larger and much more inviting. I thank you and your team for the amazing work, and professionalism throughout the process. I will recommend you to everyone! We are beyond pleased!”
很难相信,但我们真的在做完装饰后的一周就把房子给卖了。 你们公司装饰后的24小时我们就收到一个合同,Dream home staging的售前装饰真的帮助很大。虽然之前我花了很大力气说服我先生做staging, 但现在看来真的非常值得。
我们对你们的装饰服务非常满意,经过你们的工作,我们的房子看上去真的很不错,很想让人搬进去入住。看起来空间也更大些。非常感谢dream home staging的团队,你们非常专业和敬业。我们很愿意推荐你们给我们的其他朋友。
-George L. & Ling Y., Client, Richmond
We would like to say how pleased we are with the staging carried out at the home we own in Coquitlam. Dreamhome Staging did an amazing job and the unit looks incredible! Upscale and elegant, yet at the same time so cozy and welcoming.
Our firm belief in the value added by Dream Home Staging has once again been proven correct. Last night, just four hours after you staged our home, we received a full price verbal offer that will be written up this morning! Our sincere thanks to you and your entire team for a job well done!”
我们非常满意你们的服务,Dream home staging 帮我们在高桂林的物业做了布置,看上去非常不错,显得很高档也很温馨。
我们觉得请staging 公司来布置一下还是很值的。昨天就在布置后的四个小时,我们就收到了一个全价的合同,非常感谢你们的团队,做的真的不错。
-Jane C., Client, Coquitlam
Hi Diana,
The house looks so good after your team helped on staging. The photos after staging looks perfect. My husband is also very satisfied about your staging result and comment that Dream Home Staging is perfect on staging a house.
Our agent John also keep your contact for future staging requests and he comments that your price is very reasonable and your work is perfect.
Thanks again for your great job and have a nice day.
经过你们的布置,房子看起来很不错。装饰后的照片看起来很赞。 我先生对dream home staging 的售前装饰服务也很满意。我们的地产经纪 John也留了你的名片,说将来会向他的客人推荐你们。说你们的服务很好,价格也很公道。再次感谢。